Welcomw to my GD Collection site!

I'm "a kind" of a Green Day fan ( I don't know whey but I just Hate the word Fan.) I just love collecting theire music. I started my collection after my first gig, The American Idiot Tour, Rotterdam Netherlands on July 7the 2005.

I knew their music for a long time because of my little brother who was a real punk! So when I heard they would come and play in our home town I bought some tickets and I was completely hooked!! I mean it was Amazing!! I Loved every thing, the show, the music, the feeling, the atmosphere, I mean Everything!!

So here we are, a few years later and still a member of the GDfam. If you have any questions or just want to share a link please send me an email or leave a message I really do like that!!


zaterdag 8 april 2017

MTV Broadcast, Aragon Ballroom Chicago LP

Hi Peeps,

This week I bought myself this sweet gift!! Totally Happy!! haha

MTV Broadcast, Aragon Ballroom Chicago, November 10th, 1994

Label: Radio Silence ‎– RSL13013LP
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album, Limited Edition, Unofficial Release
Country: UK
Released:18 Feb 2015

I'm slowely adding my stuff to the site but I'm so horrible with computers... So it will take forever haha. well, I don't mind and I hope you wil eighter!


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