Welcomw to my GD Collection site!

I'm "a kind" of a Green Day fan ( I don't know whey but I just Hate the word Fan.) I just love collecting theire music. I started my collection after my first gig, The American Idiot Tour, Rotterdam Netherlands on July 7the 2005.

I knew their music for a long time because of my little brother who was a real punk! So when I heard they would come and play in our home town I bought some tickets and I was completely hooked!! I mean it was Amazing!! I Loved every thing, the show, the music, the feeling, the atmosphere, I mean Everything!!

So here we are, a few years later and still a member of the GDfam. If you have any questions or just want to share a link please send me an email or leave a message I really do like that!!


zaterdag 8 juli 2017

GD at Miami!!


Can't believe it but my hubby just gave me two tickets for upcomming show in Miami sept 3th!!!!
whoehoeeeee!!! Which means I'm going on a holiday to my bestie!!!

to be continued .....


So totally different than a show in Europe. The whole thing was also so well organised. I mean, i'm used to go early because of the way to long lines and no parking spots. But over here it was just perfect and we were way to early now!! haha  Maybe because of the  atmosphere i don't know or the outdoor Theater look which i've never been before but we had al hell of a time!!


maandag 3 juli 2017

Green Day @ London Hyde park

WOWW!! Just one word!! AMAZING!!

I'm just back from my trip to London. What an experience!! 60.000people, all there together singing and having fun in the mid summer sun in this beautiful Park.
Ofcourse, the line up was the same as the last 6 shows I went to and the "HeeHoo" -ing was there again too much, But the energie those guys have!! And when the whole crowd is singing together it gives me goosebumps!!

( tickets, schedule and Tshirt )

( not my pic )